XBRL Detailed Footnote Tagging: Best Value XBRL Service

XBRL Filing

SEC Interactive Data Filing

Depend on 18 years of SEC filing experience


Full SEC compliance at a fair price. Integrated XBRL preparation and Edgar filing

New for 2015: Improved XBRL accuracy at the best prices ever: no compromise on quality along with low, discount XBRL Detailed Tagging prices. No contract required: Click here to contact us now.

XBRL Dimensions our specialty: axes, members, more than 1 dimension. No problem.


We are ready to do your XBRL detailed tagging and help you file on time. Call today.

Special Message: XBRL Tagging:   With XBRL Year Two it's all about timing. Year One hyped about how many hours or days it would take to tag and convert XBRL documents. That was only for Level 1 summary tagging. Yes it takes time, but let me give you a real example: a new client came to us at the last minute. We completed the XBRL tagging and conversion in two hours. Ok, I have also seen upwards of ten hours for some of our XBRL conversions, but let's be sensible.

Year two, with Level 2, Level 3, and the time-intensive Level 4 tagging, is much more work. The devil is in the details, and in 2012 that means XBRL Detailed tagging. Nevertheless, as an XBRL Service Provider, our priority is to keep our costs down so you pay less for great service.

The time to prepare is now. Sign up now to reserve your priority service status for detail XBRL conversion and tagging. Let us help you prepare XBRL Interactive Data the right way. Contact XBRL Filing Company for DFT service now.